About Us
APS Swim School was established in 1995, derived from the initials of our Principal and Olympian, Mr. Ang Peng Siong.
The APS Swim School is set up with the aim to promote and teach the sport of swimming with an element of professionalism.
With that as our focus, all of us at APS Swim School are dedicated to provide a transparent, comprehensive, structured and systematic syllabus of teaching and learning.
Swimming, apart from its LIFE PRESERVING function is a universally recognized activity for the promotion of good health and well-being.
Here at APS, our philosophy is to inculcate and share the joy and love of swimming for all; to inspire and encourage young children to reach their aquatic goals because we believe SWIM IT RIGHT FOR LIFE!

What Sets Us Apart?
Training System:
All Swim Teachers undergo a structured teacher training system with a dedicated APS Trainer
Class Auditing:
Swim Teachers and their classes undergo regular auditing by Evaluators to ensure standard of teaching
Monitoring of Students' Progress
All students' learning status are tracked through an electronic platform to monitor their progress

Classroom Training